Íse Murphy

The enshittification of social media, Human Design and 2027

The world as we know it is falling apart.

But perhaps not in the way we might think it is.

One of the reasons Human Design came into existence was to prepare us for the change in “background frequency” come February 15th 2027.

Collectively, the precession of the equinox is shifting from what is called the Cross of Planning, to the Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix. We are shifting four gates (which make a cross) but the key is the shift from Gate 37, The Gate of the Family, Line 1, The Mother/Father to Gate 55, The Gate of Spirit, Line 6, Selfishness. Knowing these details doesn’t really matter, unless you’re into Human Design. However, what they mean will impact you, and is already impacting you.

And you can already see it.

The Cross of Planning is based on Tribal energy, that is: bargains, agreements, you scratch my back i’ll scratch yours, provision of resources, etc. The keynote is support, The Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix is based on Individual energy, that is: self priority, self care, individuality and all the colour that comes with it. The keynote is empowerment. We are shifting from an energy where we care for and prioritise the other (family) to caring for and prioritising the self (selfishness).

Just by reading this alone, something might be resonating with how this world is going. Hierarchies are falling. Systems are crashing. Governments as collective structures are failing and cannot seem to solve problems like housing crises, cost of living, immigration etc. The dazzling lights of celebrity and other people of influence are crumbling as the truth of their behaviour and actions behind the scenes become visible. We are losing respect, trust and belief in those we gave our power to.

People are waking up to the layers of unconscious bargains they were born into and don’t want to do it anymore. We are beginning to see we can stand up for ourselves. We are beginning to prioritise our needs over others. We are making decisions correct for us rather than the other. We are recognising that our health correlates with aligning with our rhythm, not our bosses or the stock markets.

“Here is how platforms die - First, they are good to their users; then they abuse their users to make things better for their business customers; finally, they abuse those business customers to claw back all the value for themselves. Then, they die.” Cory Doctorow on Enshittification

It’s incredible to witness the real time rise and fall of social media and how its enshittification seems to be occurring in warp time, demonstrating the effect of the energy shift beautifully.

Logging on, one sees the same type of posts, with the same type of photos and the same type of bambi-eye-duck-face-pose sepia filter, and that’s just LinkedIn (I joke). Social Media wasn’t meant to be this pile of homogenised gloop, or maybe it was. We never really know the intentions of the white men who created every single major platform today.

Anyway that’s a discussion for another time. But back to the duck face. I trot through London and struggle to find a pair of lips that are not swollen with filler. Instagram Face: “a young face, of course, with poreless skin and plump, high cheekbones. It has catlike eyes and long, cartoonish lashes; it has a small, neat nose and full, lush lips” has been around for many years now and only has served to homogenise what seems to be an entire population. Slowly, over time, the influence of daily scrolling of social media, has wired our brains to believe in things we didn’t think we would prior to social media. Perhaps we begin to think we need botox as we become conditioned through daily servings of altered photos of altered people.

The real problem however, is we believe we have original thought. We believe we decided off our own un-influenced back that we wanted to alter our face. It is not original thought. We are being conditioned.

Now, if you are into Human Design, neuroscience or read Prof. Robert Sapolksy’s book Determined, you will nod your head in agreement that we do not have any free will. Certainly a story for another day.

What I recognised only from being away from social media is that we don’t really grasp the impact it has on us, until we step away from it for a length of time. Just as I don’t feel I am strong until I stop practicing Pilates for a length of time. Or I don’t see how a type of food affects my wellbeing until I stop consuming it for a length of time. We literally cannot see the wood for the trees because we are in the forest.

We cannot recognise that our opinions, values, beliefs and decisions are being influenced by Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and millions of other random human beings who have nothing to do with you. When I look at it from that perspective I think yuck! and want to spit it out.

I quit social media around 2020 and never returned to Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp, with the exception of Instagram (deleted again and feels wonderful) and LinkedIn (handy to gather information but no longer post).

It was only when I left I could see how much it impacted me, how much time I spent on it, how miserable it made me and how it influenced the issues I took on as my own. I see it as having a major influence on extremism by fanning flames of binary positions and defending them mercilessly. I shake my head back at 2016 me on the Trump/Clinton campaign. I had so many Twitter arguments that I am thankful they are now deleted aka hidden on some server in a backroom in California.

This waking up from the social media coma and no longer wanting to play is part of the dissolution of the Cross of Planning. We can only move towards self empowerment when we snap out of homogenisation.

You are most likely reading this because you are also fed up of social media, and probably the internet, Jen, and want to regain some form of sovereignty in your life. Great! The program is working. This is all part of what was always going to happen, and there is no need to worry. The foundation of all systems I have learned, is that everything is as it is meant to be. You and I will make our changes, make our decisions, at the time that is correct for us. There is no need to panic, just become aware. We are passengers, we are not in the driving seat.

We are not the movers, we are being moved.

And now I come to the essence of all spiritual systems, to surrender.

The more we can surrender to our lives as they are now, the less resistance we will encounter. The more we can listen to our bodies and heed the decisions it makes (like getting off social media), the less resistance we will encounter. Our bodies hold the wisdom of what is good for us, not our minds. As 2027 draws closer, the sooner we can learn to honour our inner authority, the smoother this transition can be. It’s happening anyway.

In Human Design we call it following your Strategy and Authority. If you don’t know what that is, I suggest getting your free chart from the source of Human Design.

Now is the time to take your power back. If you don’t want to do the thing, don’t do it. If you want a break from your phone, do it. If you don’t want to reply to someone and feel overwhelmed with communication information, heed that feeling and disconnect. I see this anxiety as our body telling us there’s too much energy coming in (via information on our phone), it’s too stimulating (doom scrolling) and the body needs to return to balance. All these posts about letting messages back up in our DMs makes perfect sense to me. The body is not designed to be social all the time, and especially so depending on your Human Design chart.

As written on the front cover of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, DON’T PANIC is what comes to mind as we near 2027. Whatever is going to happen will happen, we just need to do our bit. And that means anchoring in our body and following its signals. It means following our Strategy and Authority. We are not separate from nature, we are part of nature and the more time we can spend in it and less on our phones, the better for our health, wellbeing, mind and ability to make decisions that support our best interests.

Come 2027, there will be no one to give your authority to, so the sooner you can take that back, the better for us all. You want it, you crave it and now it’s time to listen to that intuition and do what truly feels best for you. Yes there are consequences to every decision, but we can only bring positive change to this world if we learn to stand up for what we need, and by doing so, we inspire others to do the same.


P.S. My friend and I are launching a new podcast called Human Design Or Something. Subscribe if you’d like to be notified when the first episode is released.

_This post is part of The Undo Project and archived at isemurphy.com. If you want to support this work, consider a paid subscription on Substack or buy me a coffee. To stay up to date with Íse, subscribe to her newsletter or visit her website _

#human design